Select and Upload your .plist file:
- Uploaded files will be deleted immediately. We do NOT store your files.
- This site is using plist2hashcat to extract the hash. Supports plist files from MacOS 10.8+ (Mountain Lion and later)
- The goal of this page is to make it very easy to convert your Plist file to "hashes" which hashcat or John can crack.
- Plist file? Obtain the plist file located at /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users/[user].plist
How to use?
More than easy, just select and upload your .plist file. If valid, the file will be converted into a hash. The hash will be computed in the "Output" part. This hash can be sent on our website using algorithm "Mac OSX 10.8+ ($ml$)".
Explanation of the format
Version of Mac OSX 10.8+ use Plist file to store account credentials (PBKDF2-SHA512). Two tools can extract hashes from a Plist file : and (former has been renamed to
Output Hash format is: $ml$[iterations]$[salt]$[entropy]. Use mode 7100 with hashcat.
A MacOS X 10.8+ hash valid for Hashcat mode 7100 looks like:
It's essential to note that tools like John the Ripper or hashcat are powerful and can be misused. We strongly advise using these tools responsibly and ethically. Always ensure that you have permission before attempting to crack passwords, and familiarize yourself with local laws and organizational security policies. Misuse of these tools can lead to severe legal repercussions and breach of ethical standards.
Credits go to hashcat and John projects