Select and Upload your Ansible Vault file:
- Your file should start with "$ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256...." ; example: here
- Uploaded files will be deleted immediately. We do NOT store your files.
- This site is using ansible2john from JohnTheRipper to extract the hash
- The goal of this page is to make it very easy to convert your Ansible Vault output to "hashes" which hashcat or John can crack.
How to use?
More than easy, just select and upload your Ansible Vault ouput or file (often .yml). The hash will be computed in the "Output" part.
Input is:
$ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 37616263343331643933393363326238613234626432393239616238356163363237353962636362 3761366132653331656239303334643763303537333163620a346137386238323666383661656433 32346332376561313638636265336536323863346132393636343034663265333630316530363861 3665356663363534380a633438613834313364346633353361623837633162306463393232636137 66626466613838326131386238643961346466636534663863646365306430303762643732396530 35386338643362313564363762356133623866336337666130313161306138363635316536656337 65643765316239333330623937303432313036646633613366393463346465316238396334633134 63636636333366333264616337376136646466396132333961353438646233386161333831316261 3935
Ouput would be:
It's essential to note that tools like John the Ripper or hashcat are powerful and can be misused. We strongly advise using these tools responsibly and ethically. Always ensure that you have permission before attempting to crack passwords, and familiarize yourself with local laws and organizational security policies. Misuse of these tools can lead to severe legal repercussions and breach of ethical standards.
Credits go to JohnTheRipper project ;