MSSQL Hash Algorithm: A Deep Dive into Its Cryptographic Landscape


Hashing in Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) has evolved over the years to enhance data security and integrity. SQL Server 2012 and 2014 continue this legacy, offering robust hashing capabilities to protect data and ensure its integrity.

Example Hash

For example, a MSSQL (2012) looks like 0x02000102030434ea1b17802fd95ea6316bd61d2c94622ca3812793e8fb1672487b5c904a45a31b2ab4a78890d563d2fcf5663e46fe797d71550494be50cf4915d3f4d55ec375
Version 2012/2014 hashes start with the prefix 0x0200 and are 142 characters long.


Hashing in MSSQL is used for a variety of purposes, from securing passwords and sensitive data to ensuring data integrity by detecting changes or corruptions in the data.


Over the years, MSSQL has improved its hashing algorithms and functions, particularly with the introduction of SHA-256 in SQL Server 2012, providing stronger security features compared to earlier versions.

How it Works

MSSQL utilizes built-in functions like HASHBYTES to perform hashing. This function supports multiple algorithms (e.g., SHA1, SHA2_256) and returns a hash value based on the input data provided.


While MSSQL doesn't inherently provide a salting mechanism, it's a best practice to add a salt to the data before hashing, especially for passwords, to prevent attacks such as rainbow table assaults.


Limitations in MSSQL hashing include the dependency on the specific version for algorithm support and potential vulnerabilities in older algorithms like SHA1, necessitating careful consideration of the chosen hashing algorithm.

Particularities compared to other algorithms

MSSQL's hashing functions are particularly tailored for database operations, emphasizing speed and integration with SQL data types and operations compared to standalone cryptographic applications.

Computational Power/Cost

Hashing operations in MSSQL are designed to be efficient, balancing security and performance. However, the computational cost can vary based on the algorithm used and the size of the data being hashed.

Resistance to Attacks

The resistance to attacks in MSSQL's hashing functions largely depends on the algorithm used. Newer algorithms like SHA-256 offer greater resistance to attacks compared to older versions.


As cryptographic research advances, certain algorithms may become obsolete. MSSQL's adaptability in offering newer hashing algorithms helps mitigate this risk.

Modern Alternatives

Modern alternatives to MSSQL hashing include using external cryptographic libraries for more advanced needs or upgrading to the latest SQL Server versions which support stronger algorithms and security features.


MSSQL hashing is compatible with a wide range of applications and platforms, ensuring that data hashed in the database can be used and verified across different systems and languages.


While hashing in MSSQL (2012 & 2014) offers robust features for data security and integrity, it's important to understand the capabilities and limitations of the specific version and algorithms used. Upgrading to the latest version or using supplementary cryptographic measures can enhance security. As technology evolves, so should the methods to protect and verify data, ensuring that your database remains secure and trustworthy.

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